Sunday, November 2, 2008

Wall Street’s Great Heist of 2008

"The Wall Street Journal published a front-page article Friday (31 October) reporting that the nine biggest US banks, which have received a combined $125 billion in taxpayer funds as part of the $700 billion bailout authored by Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson and passed by the Democratic Congress, owed their executives more than $40 billion for recent years’ compensation and pensions as of the end of 2007.

This means that nearly a third of the public funds given to these banks will ultimately be used to increase the private fortunes of a handful of multimillionaire Wall Street executives...

...Far from opposing this development, Treasury Secretary Paulson and the Federal Reserve Board are encouraging it. They deliberately designed the bailout to place no restrictions on how the banks use their taxpayer money and then enacted changes in the tax code to give banks acquiring other banks a huge tax break. (See: “The ‘dirty little secret’ of the US bank bailout”)"

Ah yes, noted here (I'm in "Look at Me!" mode today) and swallowed hook, line and sinker by their benefit, of course. Why else would they open the doors for A.I.G. to ask--and get--another $21 billion?

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