Monday, November 24, 2008

Below The Beltway: Is Hillary Ineligible To Be Secretary of State ?

"[S]pecifically, Article One, Section Six (of the Constitution), also known as the emoluments clause. (”Emoluments” means things like salaries.) It says that no member of Congress, during the term for which he was elected, shall be named to any office “the emoluments whereof shall have been increased during his term.” This applies, we’re advised, whether the member actually voted on the raises or not.

In Clinton’s case, during her current term in the Senate, which began in January 2007, cabinet salaries were increased from $186,600 to $191,300."

The only other attempt (if this one is made) to circumvent this stricture was made by Nixon. Will this one pass, since Democrats hold Congress? Or will it fail and thus leave an "out" for what could be one of the most internally-divisive nominations of Obama's Cabinet?

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