Monday, November 24, 2008

Oxdown Gazette--Bush Is Still President; Hold Him Accountable and Demand He Confront His Mess

"The reality is that Bush is still President, has no intention of leaving early, and his cabal is frantically leaving land mines throughout the nation's regulatory system as fast as they can force bad rules through what's left of the legal process. There will be more damage done to health and safety, energy resources and environmental protection in the next 60 days than in the last two years, even as dozens of corrupt Bushies burrow into the federal civil service. 

Congress should be in session without recess into January to disrupt this ideologically spent and corrupt regime's efforts. But more than that, we should not be letting the Bush Administration or this Congress off the hook for confronting the financial and economic crises they've created and mostly neglected. 

The economy's plight is their responsibility and dealing with its fallout, including the need to save the nation's auto industry, is not something that can wait. Since we need a rapid stimulus to rescue cities and states to save health coverage and jobs, and Detroit needs a bridge loan to get them into next year, there's no excuse for not doing that now. 

We've got people losing health care, losing homes. There are viable proposals (SCHIP, Bair's foreclosure plan, etc) to address these, or at least keep them from getting far worse, so enact them now."

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