Friday, November 28, 2008

Follow the $8.5 Trillion: Breakdown of the Government's Rescue Funds

SF Gate: Multimedia

Take a look at the laundry list of outright thievery as perpetrated by the basest blood-sucking parasites to ever infest a so-called government.

Over here, after almost 50 examples of A Climate of Corruption, Bailouts, Currency Rigging and Unfair Competition, Bob Chapman concludes:

"The fleecing knows no end…Nobody who knows anything about General Electric Co. actually believes it's a AAA credit. And yet the raters at Moody's Investors Service and Standard & Poor's continue to give GE their highest mark. Meanwhile, the company just landed government insurance for as much as $139 billion of debt for its lending arm, GE Capital Corp., which also is rated AAA. If GE were really that strong, it wouldn't need the help.

The government is picking winners and losers. Instead of just a couple giant government- sponsored enterprises, now we have dozens. With so many beggars in Zegna suits lobbying for handouts, it's easy to see why lots of Americans are aghast at what our country has become."

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