Saturday, November 29, 2008

Prosecute Bush No Matter What the Political Cost -- American Everyman


"Bush is guilty of crimes against humanity and of waging an illegal War of Aggression against a sovereign nation for the purpose of gaining access to it’s natural resources.

Whether or not Congress authorised it is meaningless because Bush orchestrated a campaign of manufactured information on which Congress based it’s resolution to authorise the use of force. Therefore, the resolution of 2002 is based on fraudulent intelligence and is therefore invalid.

Whether or not Bush authorized the use of torture pales in comparison to the fact that they manufactured a war for the purposes of producing capital gains for certain companies. We can no longer afford the luxury of allowing ourselves to ignore this fact lest the next profit margin may depend on actions conducted closer to home. Much closer.

Regardless of the next target, we must decide whether or not we really stand for the things that we teach our children that we stand for. Are “freedom”, “justice”, and “humanity” just buzz-words in a marketing campaign like “Yes We Can”? Or do they mean something more.

If Barack and his team have decided not to “look backward” at the crimes committed in our name, I daresay that isn’t his choice to make. It’s ours. Kind of like Pelosi taking impeachment off the table; it’s a catastrophic over-reach of authority.

And I for one don’t equate justice with “political benefits”, at least not when it comes to greedy and corrupt administrations misusing our trust and killing kids for profit.

That kind of evil must never be ignored or forgotten, no matter what the political cost."

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