Sunday, November 23, 2008

Bush-o-crats Burrow In

Mother Jones:

"But nowhere have attempts to stack the federal bureaucracy with committed conservatives been more evident than at Justice, where the political screening process was for a time overseen by Monica Goodling, the agency's former White House liaison. Her team ran candidates' names through Web searches (see 'Search and Destroy' sidebar) designed to identify 'good Americans.'

'This was an abuse beyond anything I've ever seen,' says a former senior Justice Department official, who spent more than two decades at the agency before retiring in 2005. 'The Reagan administration came in with a real desire to change the composition of the career attorney corps, but they respected the hiring process. You were still getting merit-based hiring. Ashcroft threw all that out. And then it got even worse. Under Gonzales, it was just pure politics.' To an extent, he says, traditional burrowing 'may be less of a concern than it normally is because they've already turned many of the career positions into political positions anyway.'"

Just drop by and take a look at the "Search and Destroy" sidebar, where search terms include gore, clinton, spotted owl, NAFTA, kerry and florida recount...

Then take a look at what's going down--literally--in terms of science-related positions within the murderous moron's screw-the-pooch fest:

"The president of the nation's largest general science organization yesterday sharply criticized recent cases of Bush administration political appointees gaining permanent federal jobs with responsibility for making or administering scientific policies, saying the result would be "to leave wreckage behind." 

'It's ludicrous to have people who do not have a scientific background, who are not trained and skilled in the ways of science, make decisions that involve resources, that involve facilities in the scientific infrastructure,' said James McCarthy, a Harvard University oceanographer who is president of the American Association for the Advancement of Science. 'You'd just like to think people have more respect for the institution of government than to leave wreckage behind with these appointments.'"

"Respect for the institution of government" from the vilest syphilitic hyena horde to ever defoul said institution? Sometimes scientists are out of touch wth reality...

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