"Bush is a worse president than Richard Nixon. Chris Wallace made his argument, but we've got ten arguments of our own after the jump...
1. Nixon tried to steal an election. Bush succeeded.
2. Nixon never responded to a domestic attack by invading the wrong country.
3. Nixon managed to end his war. Bush is just gonna let someone else figure his out.
4. No major cities were allowed to drown under Nixon's administration.
5. Nixon had the decency to resign. Bush didn't.
6. Nixon's VP also had the decency to resign. Bush's VP is the worst human being who ever lived.
7. No one ever called Nixon's economy "the worst since the Great Depression."
8. Nixon built our relationship with China. Bush destroyed our relationship with everybody.
9. Nixon only wire-tapped the Democratic National Committee. Bush wiretapped everybody.
10. Nixon was intelligent enough to be called "Tricky Dick." Bush is stupid enough to be called 'a fucking imbecile.'"
Case closed, with some emphasis from Me.
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