Thursday, December 4, 2008

Achance’s blog : We Lost Because We Suck ::


"We’ve long been the Party of fiscal restraint, but when we had all three branches we went on a spending binge that would embarrass a drunken sailor. We’ve long been the Party of smaller government, yet we let the government grow like Topsy and added new intrusive, expensive programs such as NCLB and Prescription Drug coverage. We’ve long been the Party of the people who worked hard and played by the rules, to borrow WJC’s phrase, but we almost enacted an amnesty bill for illegal aliens and would have had there not been such an uproar from the folks.

In seven years we demonstrated to the American people that we really didn’t mean what we’d said for all those years; we weren’t against spending, we were against Democrat spending. We weren’t against big government, we just wanted it big in the places we like. The people caught us in the lie and held us responsible for it."

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