Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Opinion: New Obama Ad - The American Promise: The New Cult of Change in the Country of Fear | Ad Savvy

"Undoubtedly, we’ve had a very real creeping badness growing in the US over the past 8 years. We have an endless war on terror and constant fear of terrorists and even of our own government. I don’t want to get blown up, or snatched away to some far off dentention center for reading a book on the danger list. The world has changed, and people are hopeless in the face of this insanity. They need some sort of empowering message, something to make them feel good about their government, to make them think their government is finally on their side. Obama, the brilliant politician and marketing genius, has capitalized on that, without offering a single tangible, workable, political solution. The thing is, government is never on your side, and you should never feel good about it. Anyone telling you otherwise is just covering your eyes to the thievery and corruption that goes hand-in-hand with all government. Don’t fall for it, you’re smarter than that, you’re better than that."

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