Saturday, October 18, 2008

Bush Once Again Unconstitutionally Claims Right to Spend Funds to Control Iraq's Oil in "Signing Statement" |

The murderous moron has exceeded the Signing Statements of ALL other U.S. Presidents--combined--by more than a 2-to-1 ratio. 

In brief, a Signing Statement is a President's way of saying "This is the law of the land, but not upon me." In essence, the Signing Statement is a notice to the citizenry that--for whatever reason--the Oval Office incumbent feels that he does not have to abide by the letter of the law.

In other words, that he is above it. Up until Reagan's presidency, 75 Signing Statements had been issued. Between Reagan, Bush Sr. and Clinton, 859 were issued. The murderous moron is at 1,124...and counting.

Now what kind of person chooses this option?

A) A President who foresees or understands that a conflict may arise between the law as written and approved and a near-predictable scenario, thus seeking legal or political redress.

B) A venal, miserable, cowardly, moral cretin who simply has to proclaim to the world "I da man!" just to be able to say something. That or an outright criminal. You choose.

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