Saturday, October 25, 2008

Daily Kos: Fruit Fly Research in France?! I Kid You Not!

"Sarah Palin has shown herself to be unfit to serve as Vice President more times than I can count -- for her lack of interest in foreign affairs, for her lack of knowledge of the Supreme Court, for her willingness to divide the country into pro-American and anti-American based on political ideology, and on and on.

And while each of these single issues disqualifies her in my mind, none of them really struck home on a deep, personal level. Until today."

Palin is a grade schooler in a world of college graduates, a mental defective trying to operate amidst bright people. That she is a woman is part of this equation only to the extent that her appearance keeps giving her a degree of immunity: Any man uttering idiocy after idiocy in this way would have never made it to the national stage, much less be angling for a bigger role in the near future.

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