Sunday, October 19, 2008

A Return to McCarthyism

News For Real:

"These kind of low-grade intellects who fear anything new or anyone different from themselves, have always been around. The only difference is that, over the past 20 years or so, the GOP decided that there were enough of these knuckle-draggers out there to swing elections their direction and that all they had to do to get them to ballot box was to stir them up enough: 'the minorities are living off your tax dollars,' 'the United Nations is an anti-American front organization,' 'Europeans are trying to rope America into a world government,' 'atheist liberals are trying to drive God from public life,' and now, 'Democrats are anti-American.'

And so the GOP stirred and stirred and, lo and behold, they were right. There were enough ignoramuses out there to swing elections to Republicans."

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