Monday, October 6, 2008

Get Ready For A Unionized America - HUMAN EVENTS

"What’s so bad about the “Employee Free Choice Act”? The name is positively Orwellian: instead of preserving workers’ ability to make the decision to unionize by secret ballot, it does just the opposite. The bill makes it much easier to create a union at a business -- the union bosses can publicly pressure a majority of workers to sign union authorization cards (thus, the name “card check”). There is no secret ballot -- workers sign the cards in front of other employees and union leaders, and union officials keep the signed cards until they obtain the required number. Under the watchful eyes (and arm twisting) of union organizers, workers will be intimidated into signing."

Obama supports this; the murderous moron threatened to veto it. "Workers' rights" taken to an extreme misleads Obama (he is wrong on this issue) and scares the murderous moron (who ir wrong on most everything.)

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