Sunday, September 7, 2008

Open Left:: From "Bitch-Slap" To "Gaslight" -- Grokking The GOP Game

"So, the Republicans have gone beyond lying. Bush and Cheney have been great liars, really, the best. Rove has made a career, and even a philosophy of lying about everything. But there is a special cold villainy to the way they have taken it to the next level now. 'Neither repented they of their murders, nor of their sorceries, nor of their fornication, nor of their thefts.' Rather than repent, they plan ever more of the same.

That last sentence is key: The liberal mind simply can't comprehend how anyone could not repent in such a situation. The explanation is obvious: the distilled essence of conservatism as practiced in America today is sociopathy." (Emphasis Mine.)

It's a longish article, with several equally-interesting links that open the door to other interpretations, but the central theme of Republican use of lies, force, tunnel vision of politics-as-life-or-death, freely accepting costs others pay and lack of conscience does add up to sociopathy and makes one wonder where this is going to end.

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