Thursday, September 18, 2008 - They’re Better At This Than We Are, by Pete Nicely

"Remember school elections. Remember the kids who ran and won. There was the rare charismatic kid who stepped up, won and then wondered why she wasted her time.  

But mostly it was the kids who cared too much. The kids who got a kick out of the tiny bit of power, the ability to sway how the world functioned. And they cared more about winning than you ever could.

The leaders of the Conservative movement are those kids. They care way more than you could. They care so much about personal freedom that they ll fight to keep you from having the right to choose. Smaller government is so important to them that they ll hire companies from military industrial complex to support the military. They're so sure of their Free Market philosophy that they ll keep science they find immoral out of the marketplace of ideas.

Basically, they believe in nothing, except their right to run things."

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