Saturday, September 13, 2008

Don't Think of a Maverick! Could the Obama Campaign Be Improved? | Election 2008 | AlterNet

"...(V)oters vote for president not primarily on the issues, but on five other factors -- 'character' factors: Values; Authenticity; Communication and connection; Trust; and Identity... George W. Bush used (this) same observation in his two races. Gore and Kerry ran on the issues. Bush ran on those five factors.

In the 2008 nomination campaign, Hillary ran on the issues, while Obama ran on those five factors and won. McCain is now running a Reagan-Bush style character-based campaign on the Big Five factors. But Obama has switched to a campaign based 'on the issues,' like Hillary, Gore, and Kerry. Obama has reality on his side. And the campaign is assuming that if you just tell people the truth, they will reason to the right conclusion. That's false and they should know better."

From the horse's mouth, so to speak, George Lakoff's take on the current presidential campaign. More knowledge here than in any 10 campaign speeches.

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