Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Boston Review — Elaine Scarry: Presidential Crimes

"Since November will almost surely bring a return to the rule of law, why not devote our energies and full attention to the electoral process? To keep our eyes on the nominees is to be filled with renewed self-belief; to turn back to the current administration is to feel heartsick and ashamed. Why willingly look in one direction when one can look in the other?"

The thrust is to pursue legal action against the murderous moron and his hyena cabal, the misadministration of the past eight years. Because one option is "more of the same": McBush misleading Us into Part III. But if either November winner does make changes so as to then properly uphold the rule of law--and nothing more--then We face this:

"If that is the case, the United States will continue to be what it has been during the last eight years: a country governed by the rule of men (their beliefs, their preferences, their choices), not by the rule of law (where beliefs, preferences, and choices are constrained by invariable and nonnegotiable prohibitions on cruelty and fraud). "

There is so much more to read and ponder in this article. You should take the time to do so, knowing full well that those that should are all of Us, and those that will are, well, maybe just you and Me.

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