Monday, August 25, 2008

'Uncounted,' A Film That Will Leave Audiences Angry and Empowered

"Ohio was the battleground state where tens of thousands of votes intended for Sen. John Kerry, the 2004 Democratic presidential candidate, were handed to George W. Bush. Thousands more went uncounted. Chalk that up to a well-funded Republican machine, which used every weapon in its arsenal, such as shredding voter registration rolls, to make sure Ohio, the state that would decide the outcome of the 2004 election, went to Bush.
In other words, the 2004 election was stolen and the evidence to back up this flat out assertion is overwhelming to say the least."

Make up your own mind, but do it fast: The next possibly-stolen election is a little over two months away...and the world is watching very closely.

Note: From My Friend, The Picky Grammar Lady: Re: Uncounted... It seems like basic, basic auditing checks must not have been performed... A polling site should know how many voters voted (I've voted in several states, including some with electronic balloting, and you still have to sign on the dotted line that you voted). They know how many electronic votes they show recorded. A simple math check should immediately highlight any discrepancies in the number of votes. Both parties usually have poll workers at each location (my mom is one in Louisiana) - can't chalk it up to "one party's politics." It seems like you'd have to be really inept or lazy not to be able to determine that there was a problem if you went to the trouble to perform a low-level check.

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