Wednesday, August 20, 2008

George Washington's Blog: The FBI Admits It Has No Case Against Ivins

If you don't remember Bruce Ivins and the anthrax scare he supposedly caused right after 9/11, you're part of the problem. For, you see, the F.B.I. made out a case against him built on evidence as solid as the bubbles in the murderous moron's head. End result: Ivins was disgraced and eventually killed himself.

Now the F.B.I., instead of arguing its case, is basically doing a neo-con favorite: smearing chaotically. For, you see, it appears that Ivins was innocent of the anthrax attacks. So like the weapons of mass destruction that "forced" Us into Iraq, so the supposed "mad scientist" who made "inevitable" the horrors of the misnamed Patriot Act.

And so it goes... 

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