Thursday, December 18, 2008

Editorial - The Torture Report -

"We can understand that Americans may be eager to put these dark chapters behind them, but it would be irresponsible for the nation and a new administration to ignore what has happened — and may still be happening in secret C.I.A. prisons that are not covered by the military’s current ban on activities like waterboarding. 

A prosecutor should be appointed to consider criminal charges against top officials at the Pentagon and others involved in planning the abuse."

But the New York Times thinks that President-elect Obama will find moving against the murderous moron and his hyena cabal "politically fraught." Here's Dave Lindorff commenting on the editorial over at

"Others, myself included...have long argued that both President Bush and Vice President Cheney are guilty of war crimes, especially for their authorization, condoning, encouraging, protecting, and failure to halt and to punish the practice of torture by American forces under their control. But here we have a bi-partisan committee of Congress finally, belatedly, making the same case. How can the new incoming president and commander in chief not order a criminal investigation of all of those responsible for crimes that not only were grievous violations of US and international law, but that, by the admission of key American military leaders, led to practices at Guantanamo Bay and at Abu Ghraib which were 'the first and second identifiable causes of U.S. combat deaths in Iraq?'" (Emphasis Mine.)

If the U.S. of part of A. ever wants to make a claim for moral leadership in the world and not have 100% of the world snicker and cackle in derision, Obama and Congress must investigate and begin criminal proceedings against Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Rice, Gonzales and the other hyenas that lied Us into a needless war, savaged Our freedoms and destroyed what was still a proud--and worthy of being proud--nation.

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