Thursday, September 25, 2008

Bush Defends Veto of Health Care Bill - New York Times

Here are the numbers: The murderous moron vetos a $35 billion program to provide health care for children below the poverty line, but goes on TV days into a financial meltdown on his watch to bullshit Us for at least $700 billion to slit Our economic throat and let the hyenas lap up the blood.

Here's a take on the murderous moron's (most recent) cretinous performance:

"It took President Bush until Wednesday night to address the American people about the nation’s financial crisis, and pretty much all he had to offer was fear itself.

There was no acknowledgement of the shocking failure of government regulation, or that the country cannot afford more tax cuts for the very wealthy and budget-busting wars, or that spending at least $700 billion of taxpayers’ money to bail out Wall Street and the banks should be done carefully, transparently and with oversight by Congress and the courts."

And one more, just to make the point very clear: 

"This time the nation had to deal with the painful image of a scared president clutching a White House podium so tightly that his tension was audible. "We are in the midst of a serious financial crisis," began Bush, who proceeded to tell America what it already knows: Banks aren't making loans, credit markets are freezing up, and businesses and families can no longer afford to borrow essential funds.

Grasp. Grasp. Rumble."

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