Thursday, August 14, 2008

Bush Faces Rare Audience Challenge in N.C. -

I grew up an Air Force brat and was told, at an early age, that one should always respect "the uniform," if not always the person in it. I learned better.

What works--and is necessary--in the military is absolute folly in civilian and political life. A President becomes a president when he fails to uphold his office and becomes a murderous moron when his actions indicate he sends other people into harm's way based on lies and stupidity.

The criminal in the Oval Office who tries to portray himself as "a reluctant warrior" is at least hewing closer to truth, for he did skip his cushy sorry-ass job in the National Guard as a son of privilege. That this execrable excuse for a soldier gets to send real soldiers to war is a criminal tragedy We would do well to punish and avoid in the future.

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