Wednesday, July 30, 2008

'Extreme Makeover' house faces foreclosure |

I find this hilarious. The "American Dream" was once to rise by self-effort to success and prosperity; now the dream is to be so pathetic someone takes pity on you and drops craploads of goodies all over you. From plastic surgery to sunken bathtubs, the whole mess is shallow and self-defeating. A round of applause for the not-smart-enough-by-half Georgia freeloaders!


Anonymous said...

I don't mind when needy people get help, but that? That was all in excess. Four fireplaces? How many truly needy people could they have helped with all that money? All of that money for nothing. What a waste.

GCSchmidt said...

You're spot-on, Ramona. I hope the ratings ABC got for that stupid show were worth it...but I doubt it.

GCSchmidt said...

From My Friend, The Picky Grammar Lady, who Blogger didn't let in...again: Atlantic Monthly did an article about the same husband/wife team that overlaid Section 8 housing movement with crime upticks (wasn't that in Memphis?)- interesting article. You can move people around, but you don't eliminate the problems by just putting "The Poor" in "Nicer Boxes." We should have also figured that out from the unplanned mass-exodus from New Orleans- Houston initially welcomed the "refugees" with open arms, but they needed their ARMS to corral the subsequent upticks in crime. And the NO Mafia / gangs all developed new and better contacts in Houston! Great side benefit! New trading partners! And they didn't even need NAFTA's help to find them!